A Community That'll Help You Gain Clarity

Through Meditation Breathing Through Community Gatherings Through Active Service Through Focus Workshops Through Encouraging Others Through "Bucket-List" Activities


To explore how we can work together to support you or your team, contact me here. To inquire about a speaking engagement, training, or bringing a workshop to your military bases, fill out this form


Do you feel isolated?

Like you don’t have a community of people you truly feel comfortable asking for help?

Living inauthentically, unable to fully express yourself without judgment is lonely and exhausting. That’s why I created the Clarity Council.   (watch the video to learn more)

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.

- Brene Brown

The Council Board, Community & Phil Randazzo

Phil and his partners have decades of coaching, friendships and business mentorships with the world's top thought-leaders. Their experiences will help you find out what's essential, focus on you first, and then show up different with your family and community.

These mentors and friends include, but are not limited to:

Greg McKeown

Greg McKeown

Colleen Bowler

Colleen Bowler

Paul Chek

Paul Chek

Dan Sullivan

Dan Sullivan

Shereen Yusuff

Shereen Yusuff

Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss

Joe Polish

Joe Polish

Dr Joe Dispenza

Dr Joe Dispenza

Babs Smith

Babs Smith

Mark Divine

Mark Divine

Christine Hassler

Christine Hassler

Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins

Philip Mckernan

Philip Mckernan

Wim Hof

Wim Hof

Ryan Holiday

Ryan Holiday

Joe DeSena

Joe DeSena

Gina Pellegrini

Gina Pellegrini

Laura Gassner Otting

Laura Gassner Otting

Adrienne Duffy

Adrienne Duffy

Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy

 What is the Clarity Council™?

The Clarity Council™ is a community of individuals who cheer each other on. It’s a safe place to ask for help.


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


It is an opportunity to challenge yourself to pursue an intentional path of growth with like-minded leaders who believe in an ultimate contribution to their community.

As a tribe, we stand with complete vulnerability to embrace our mortality and discover and practice methods of physical biohacking to improve the quality of our lives. We also believe that emotional health is vital to our path of growth and we are always seeking enlightenment through forgiveness and selflessness to serve others.

The synergy of this tribe creates the momentum and accountability needed for us to reach levels of potential that we may have not known otherwise. All of this, so that we can leave the legacy behind that the world truly deserves.

How Does It Work?


Step 1: Attend our Council Mastermind Alliance Workshops

Board Meetings & Hot Seats: 90 minute lunches held on the second Wednesday of each month, included with the membership fees.

Step 2: The 10-Day Clarity Challenge

This is a free downloadable guide that walks you through, step-by-step, a 10-day process to find clarity in your life, relationships, health, energy, and spirituality.


Step 3: Become A Member Of The Clarity Council™

Your exclusive membership includes

Quarterly Focus

Quarterly Focus Workshop

Extreme focus by partner mentors and council leaders in the areas of - finance, essentialism, biohacking, mindfulness


One book of focus as a tribe per quarter, as well as completing an online or in-person course on a relevant topic for council.

Service Events

Everything is planned. You don’t have to worry about the logistics. All you have to do is show up and serve.


A Real Community Feel

2 meals together as a group or in pairs or smaller teams per quarter


What 3 things will you stop doing that no longer serves you, and what 3 things will you start doing to build your energy?


Annual Events


Destination Trip

This may be an international retreat, cruise or destination to inspire adventure!

Clarity Council™ Cause

Annually we will create an intention to leverage our energy and resources to support a non-for-profit organization.

Annual Conference

Work closely with our mentors to recharge your focus at an unbelievable event in Las Vegas!

Family Event

Events hosted with the focus on our family first. This will be created by our spouses AND our kids!


 Who The Clarity Council™ Is For?

The Clarity Council™ is for individuals who believe in showing up different in their families and community, AND:

  • May be struggling with regret, anger, unforgiveness and what society is telling them about what "success" is.
  • For those who've said, "I had enough! I can't kept pretending to be someone else. It's time to put away the "masks" I wear each day".
  • Might be losing sleep over things you've done in the past and fearful of a future that hasn't even happened yet.
  • Individuals that constantly beat themselves up for things they do, say or don't do.
  • You say yes to everyone & every opportunity and have no process to saying "no" to things that aren't essential.
  • It takes more than 3 seconds to fill in the blank "The thing I love about myself is _______"
  • For those that are staying busy and distracted to avoid conversations they know they need to have.
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Who The Clarity Council™ Is NOT For?

The Clarity Council™ is not for the leaders who are satisfied with everything and where they are in their life or career. We believe in growth. This group will make you extremely bitter, angry, and uncomfortable if:

  • You frequently use words like “fine” or “okay”
  • You balk at the idea of being vulnerable and sharing honest feedback
  • You don’t know how to listen to other people
  • You aren’t willing to make the time
  • You criticize other people


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